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For comprehension you need vocabulary, vocabulary, vocabulary.

To get vocabulary you need to read, read, read.

If you are in form five, you need practice reading the right kind of texts.

You can practise by yourself with the CDROM "Key Skills in Comprehension and Summary" made specially for Brunei's students.key skills

Hints and Help for Comprehension



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Read,read bookRead,read


Practise "Calcutta"

This is a "paper" sample.
On the CDRom you have interactive help, a dictionary, and highlights to relate questons to parts of the text. It makes practising much more efficient.

The Underground game will help you English idioms. You must solve puzzles to find your way around London's tube system.
Play the London Underground game full size by clicking here


  PEB2006 Uk humour: I couldn't repair your brakes, so I made your horn louder.