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Choose your answer to the following questions

Which word in the following sentences is an adjective?

  1. Elephants have long trunks

    1. Elephants
    2. long
    3. have
  2. Butterflies have two beautiful wings

    1. beautiful
    2. have
    3. wings
  3. You and your sister have brown eyes

    1. sister
    2. brown
    3. eyes
  4. Snakes can have different coloured skin

    1. coloured
    2. skin
    3. can
  5. Tigers are striped

    1. are
    2. Tigers
    3. striped
  6. Which word in the following sentences is not an adjective?

  7. Some monkeys have very long strong tails

    1. have
    2. strong
    3. long
  8. She has beautiful white teeth

    1. beautiful
    2. She
    3. white
  9. Dolphins are strong fast swimmers

    1. fast
    2. strong
    3. swimmers
  10. I like birds with bright coloured feathers

    1. like
    2. coloured
    3. bright
  11. That dog has small round eyes

    1. round
    2. small
    3. That
  12. Read the question carefully and pick the answer

    a), b) or c)

  13. Which sentence is correct?

    1. Horses have long, strong legs
    2. Horses have strong legs long
    3. Horses long, strong legs have
  14. Which sentence is correct?

    1. My cat small is and friendly
    2. My cat is small and friendly
    3. My cat is and friendly small
  15. Which sentence is not correct?

    1. Snakes are dangerous and quiet
    2. Snakes are quiet and dangerous
    3. Dangerous snakes and quiet are
  16. Which sentence is correct?

    1. Your cat's hair is smooth
    2. Your cat's smooth is hair
    3. Your cat's is smooth hair
  17. Which sentence is correct?

    1. The fish swim fast very
    2. The fish swim very fast
    3. The fish very fast swim
  18. Which sentence is correct?

    1. After rain, are very loud the frogs
    2. After rain, are very loud frogs
    3. After rain, the frogs are very loud

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